February 3, 2011

6 Secrets Behind Ganeden Biotech's Probiotic Success

Great article with Mike Bush, our VP of New Business Development, discussing what makes our probiotic, GanedenBC30 so unique.

6 Secrets Behind Ganeden Biotech's Probiotic Success

February 15, 2010

New Probiotic Pizza with GanedenBC30 is Delicious and Nutritious!

Fast Food with Functional Flair

NakedPizza’s fresh take on pizza is set to rebrand fast food as part of the solution, not part of the problem.

The venerable pizza has come a long way since its humble Italian beginnings. But whether it’s deep dish or thin crust, meat lovers or Hawaiian style, one thing is clear: pizza is about the furthest you can get from health food fare. It's also something...

Read the full article

January 26, 2010

Digestive Advantage and Sustenex Daily Probiotic named in NYT bestselling book YOU: BEING BEAUTIFUL by Drs. Oz & Roizen

Two of our brands, Digestive Advantage and Sustenex Daily Probiotic were recently mentioned in the New York Times bestselling book YOU: BEING BEAUTIFUL by Dr. Michael Roizen Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Here's the quote from the book: "Probiotics are probably your best allies. The best (in spore form so the stomach doesn’t destroy th...em) come in small capsules at less than $10 a month. We like Digestive Aide, Digestive Advantage, and Sustenex, which decrease IBS symptoms (some believe that one of the causes of the condition is a lack of good bacteria in the intestines)." (pages 220-221)

January 21, 2010

Clinical Study Determines Digestive Advantage Gas Defense Formula Improves Quality of Life

A recent study featuring featured Digestive Advantage Gas Defense Formula with our probiotic bacteria, GanedenBC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) was recently published.

The study concluded that: "The Bacillus coagulans-based product was effective in improving the quality of life and reducing gastrointestinal symptoms in adults with post prandial intestinal gas-related symptoms and no GI diagnoses."

Read entire study

January 14, 2010

Our New Digestive Advantage IBS TV spot!

Here's our latest TV spot! Let us know what you think!

July 23, 2009

Red Mango Frozen Yogurt Becomes First Retailer to Offer Iced Tea with Probiotic, GanedenBC30

DALLAS (July 22, 2009) – Red Mango, the fastest-growing retailer of authentic nonfat frozen yogurt, today announced it will become the first retailer to offer made-to-order iced teas fortified with probiotics. Three proprietary flavors, all incorporating GanedenBC30®, a patented strain of probiotic shown to help support the immune system and regulate the digestive system, are available in participating Red Mango stores beginning July 27. Additionally, Red Mango’s Original, Pomegranate by POM Wonderful® and Tangomonium™ authentic frozen yogurt sold throughout New York will now include GanedenBC30 through an exclusive agreement. By September, all other Red Mango stores will have frozen yogurt with GanedenBC30.

Lemonocity™ (Lemonade Green Tea), Mysteaque™ (Vanilla Black Tea) and Fanteasia™ (Wildberry Hibiscus Tea) iced teas are each uniquely delicious, low-calorie, sweetened with pure cane sugar and contain a significant amount of probiotics, or good bacteria. Since its inception, Red Mango has focused on educating its customers about the advantages of authentic frozen yogurt and the probiotics Red Mango contains.

“Red Mango provides easy and delicious ways to be healthy,” said Dan Kim, Red Mango’s founder, president and chief executive officer. “Our new iced teas have both the benefits of antioxidants and probiotics, and our frozen yogurt became even healthier with the addition of GanedenBC30.”

GanedenBC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) provides additional health benefits because of its excellent stability, which helps it survive better through the digestive system. Scientists now recognize that 70 percent of our immune system is actually living in the digestive tract, which emphasizes the importance of digestive health.

“Red Mango is redefining a healthy treat. Their nonfat frozen yogurt, already naturally rich in probiotics is now fortified with the GanedenBC30 strain. It’s a delicious all-natural treat that is good for you,” stated Dr. Steven Pratt, the physician who revolutionized the superfoods movement and author of bestselling “SuperFoodsRx” and the recently published “SuperHealth: 6 Simple Steps, 6 Easy Weeks, 1 Longer, Healthier Life .”

Red Mango frozen yogurt is 100 percent natural, made in the ways real yogurt is made, and offers a deliciously authentic yogurt flavor. It contains significant amounts of live and active cultures that are beneficial to one’s health, has no fat, is gluten-free and contains no preservatives or artificial ingredients.

In 2007, Red Mango became the first natural frozen yogurt concept in the U.S. to be certified by the National Yogurt Association’s Live and Active Culture seal program, which confirms that Red Mango meets or exceeds the criteria for healthy frozen yogurt.

About Red Mango

Founded in 2002 in South Korea, Red Mango opened its first U.S. store in July 2007 in Los Angeles and has since celebrated more than 50 store openings across California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Hawaii, New Jersey, Nevada, Utah, Indiana, Arizona and Texas. Red Mango received Nation’s Restaurant News’ 2009 “Hot Concepts!” award and has been named the best frozen yogurt in Seattle, Las Vegas, Chicago, Utah and New York by independent publications. Headquartered in Dallas, Red Mango serves uniquely delicious frozen yogurt that is all-natural, nonfat, gluten-free and packed with beneficial live and active probiotic cultures. Red Mango’s frozen yogurt has been certified by the National Yogurt Association’s Live and Active Culture Seal for meeting the required criteria for healthy frozen yogurt. Red Mango is a portfolio company of CIC Partners, also headquartered in Dallas, one of the premier mid-market private equity firms in the nation. For more information about Red Mango, please visit www.redmangousa.com. For franchising information, please visit www.redmangofranchising.com or call 214-871-6865.

Steven Pratt, M.D. is the author of SuperHealth and the bestselling SuperFoodsRx books and is the scientific brain behind the growing SuperFoodsRx brand. He is a nationally recognized medical authority on diet, lifestyle and longevity science. In scientific forums around the world, Dr. Pratt has lectured on diet and its relation to chronic disease. He is a senior member of the medical staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California.

May 12, 2009

GanedenBC30 Added to Wikipedia Probiotic Page

GanedenBC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) has been added to the chart of strains on the Wikipedia probiotic page.

This is exciting news since the list is sorted alphabetically and GanedenBC30 is listed first!

GanedenBC30 is the trademarked name for the patented strain of probiotic bacteria, Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086. GanedenBC30 is not a drug. It is a natural supplement that can help support digestive and immune health.

Here's the page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probiotic.